
第25回 【ファイロファクス個別紹介】メトロポールバイブルサイズ(アンバー)

ファイロファクスファン福岡(FiloFax Fan Fukuoka, FFFF, F4) のメンバーのために作成しましたので、内輪ネタ入ってます。



●To-do (2007年版)3枚
●色付きインサート(2007, 8, 9混在)10枚(ピンク2、黄2、ピーチ2、青2、ラベンダー2)
●A-Z ディバイダークリーム色(2007年版)13枚

(ファイロファクスファン福岡 (FFFF, F4) について)


(About Us)
FiloFax Fan Fukuoka, or FFFF, or F4 is an on-line/off-line group founded for the spread of filofax use in Fukuoka area, Japan. New members are welcome. We have a group site in Facebook, and we're a closed group. If you are interested, please send me a request. We'll add you to the group.

The group's topic is exclusively on filofax, its use, its decoration, its products, its DIYs and so on. It doesn't have to be filofax. It also can be ring binder or non-.

Currently the members are discussing in Japanese, but all of us understand English, and English posts are welcome. Also it does not matter if you don't reside in Fukuoka, or even Japan. We just want to spread filofax use in Fukuoka, so any tips to do that will be welcome, and any posts and comments will do that. Thanks!

This video was filmed and posed for the FFFF members, and may contain inside jokes, which may not make sense to lots of people.


第24回 ファイロファクスクリップブック日本語で紹介



第23回 ファイロファクスクリップブック(ペトロールブルー)英語で開封



Filofax Clipbook unboxing video. The reason why I buy inserts in bulk from filofax.co.uk is because i don't want to pay expensive shipping plus custom tax every time I order from them.

Clipbook is a nice alternative to notebook products such as Moleskine, Midori Travelers' Notebook, Leuchtturm, and Rhodia. I have to do a lot of field work and I have been using Midori for that. Downside of it is that I cannot add a page to a particular section to Midori. So I love Midair's paper quality and the leather, I think I will switch to Clipbook for that. I also plan to start a new project for my work, and the Clipbook will be a great companion to that.

Thanks for visiting! I will report on how Clipbook works for me.


第22回 ファイロファクスインサート(東急ハンズ博多で買える)


福岡でもファイロファクスのインサートが手に入ります。今回は東急ハンズでホール (haul)してきました。

結構値段はしますが、やっぱり純正はロゴが入っているのでカッコいいです。 でもAshfordの紙質にはかないません。

他にハンズには United Bees のインサートもありました。

Hello international visitors. This blog has so far been in Japanese, but according to the Blogger information, there are more visitors from outside Japan, mainly US. My YouTube channel also welcomed new subscribers from overseas. Therefore I'll start using English more often.

In Fukuoka, Japan, it is extremely hard to get filofax products, unless we turn to online shopping sites. Until like 3-4 months ago, there were absolutely NO shops that carried them in Fukuoka. The filofax UK lists some shop names as their retailers in the area. I checked every one of them back in June. None of them carried filofax products.

So people around me (especially younger generation) do not know what a filofax is. Since I like to share my filofax experience with them (because it's awesome), I started this blog, along with my YouTube channel "nakaReview".

The blog/vlog deals with pretty fundamental stuff about Filofax, and those who visit here (especially after some google search) are most typically avid filofax users. They may find the blog/vlog pretty boring.

But I'm hoping that my friends (I've converted like 8 people into filofax!!) will become very creative about their use (some of them already are really creative!), and until then, please visit once in a while  to find out what's going on in Fukuoka Filofax Fans. Also I've started a Filo-Fax Fan Fukuoka (or FFFF, or F4) group on Facebook. If you are interested, please send me a request (it's a closed group).

In this episode, I'm showing my F4 members that Tokyu Hands, Mall of Hakata City, who started carrying filofax products in June/July, also carries filofax inserts. Most of the F4 members at the moment get inserts in local stationery shops, and they were wondering where they can get FF inserts. So I thought that this video may help them upgrade their filofax.

In the next episode, I'm thinking of doing an unboxing of filofax Guildford zip, and show them what we should do when we get a new filofax.



第21回 DIYダッシュボード(ファイロファクスインサート)

今日は下敷きを使って、ファイロファクスのダッシュボードを作成します。ダッシュボードはビデオで紹介されているように、in-coming ボードとして一時的なメモを残すのに手軽ですし、表紙を開けたらすぐ見えることから、とにかく大切なやるべきことをポストイットで貼っておくこともできる便利な道具です。是非自分のファイロファクスにも小粋なダッシュボードが欲しいですね。

ファイロファクスを買うと自動的に透明なフライリーフ(ほんけんの言う「ペロペロ」)がついてきますが、take it up a notchで、一個カスタムのものを作ってみたらどうでしょうか。ファイロファクスを開けたら必ず最初に目にするこの表紙部分を、好きなもので飾るのは、ファイロファクスの使用頻度を上げますよ〜。

○ 下敷き(他、プラスチックのものなら何でも可)
○ カッター
○ 定規
○ 6穴パンチ、または1穴パンチ(ビデオでは鳩目パンチも使っています)


第20回 DIYフォルダー(ファイロファクスインサート)


○ 厚めの紙(インサートの大きさ×3くらいの広さ)

○ カッター
○ ホールパンチ
○ 定規


第19回 Can★Do ミニホール (Mini-Haul)

出張先のホテルの目の前にあったCan★Doでいくつかふせん系を買って来たので紹介します。短い! ナイス!

○ 蛍光半透明ふせん
○ カバー付きストライプふせん
○ ジャパンふせん
○ 蛍光カラーシール(まる)
○ 貼ってはがせるふせんフィルム(矢印)
○ [おまけ]クロレッツ試供品
○ [おまけ]PASMO
○ [おまけ]なんかお菓子